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Talk about hope in propolis.

Natural Medicine Symposium 

Natural Medicine Symposium  
2009 The 7th International Natural Medicine Symposium 'Efficacy of propolis - Medical viewpiont (Jointly hosted by National Science Museum, Korea Yangbong NH and Bio Propilis Study Association)
2006 The 6th Natural Medicine Symposium 'Scientific Re-illumination of propolis and honey symposium (Jointly hosted by National Science Museum, Korea Yangbong NH and Bio Propolis Study Association)
2003 The 5th Natural Medicine Symposium 'Pharmacological activation effect of honey and propolis' (Jointly hosted by Korea Yangbong NH)
2002 The 4th Natural Medicine Symposium 'Pharmacological identification on propolis' symposium (Jointly hosted by Konkuk University)
2001 The 3rd Natural Medicine Symposium (Jointly hosted by Konguk University) "Functional food and immunity"
1996 The 2nd Natural Medicine Symposium of Korean and Japan (Jointly hosted by the Dong A Daily Newspater) 'Pharmacologicl action of natural antibiotic substance, propolis'
1995 The 1st Natural Medicine Symposium of Korean and Japan 'prevention of allergic disease and dietary treatment therapy with extravts from perilla leaves'

World Propolis Science Forum

World Propolis Science Forum
2016 The 6th WPSF – Anti-aging Function of Propolis (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
2014 The 5th WPSF - Functional Activities & Application of Propolis in Apitherapy (Antalya, Turkey)
2012 The 4th WPSF - Propolis, Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical (Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia)
2010 The 3rd WPSF - Scientific approach to propolis (Busan, Korea)
2008 The 2nd WPSF - Today and tomorrow of the market and study of propolis (Hangzhou, China)
2007 The 1st WPSF - The present and future of propolis (Daejeon, Korea)