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Talk about hope in propolis.

Cocktail Method

Propolis contains numerous chemical ingredients, including cinnamic acid derivatives (e.g., p-coumaric acid, drupanin, artepilln C,
and baccahrin), substituted phenolic acids, flavonoids, and amino acids.
And the chemical composition of propolis depends on various factors, such as the geographical origin, types of plant sources,
and season of the year. The wide application of propolis in modern medicine has drawn growing attention to its chemical composition.
Seoul Propolis developed and published the ‘Cocktail Method’ manufacturing method to create synergistic effects by mixing the propolis
from different origins.

Cocktail Method Characters

Green Propolis


- Baccharis spp

Brown Propolis

Europe / North America / China / Australia /
New Zealand's non-thermal zone

- Populus spp

Red Propolis


- Dalbergia spp

Phenols Flavonoid Terpene
Artepillin C Caffeic Acid
Cinnamic acid p-Coumaricacid Chrysin Kaempferol Pinocembrin p-amyrin
Korea + + + + ++ + ++++ +
Brazil ++++ + + ++ + + + ++
Australia + + + + ++++ + ++ +
China + + ++ + +++ + +++ +